Human-AI Partnering: The Emerging Superpower of Salesforce Platform Management

Human and AI piloting airplane

Salesforce administrators can gain substantial advantages by leveraging Valo’s AI agent features for more efficient administration.


The intersection of human labor and Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the way organizations operate and compete. As we look ahead, the near-term future of competition is not a battle between humans and AIs, but rather between humans superpowered by AI partners and humans without AI help.

It is becoming increasingly clear that those who harness the superpower of AI to augment their skills and decision-making processes will gain a significant advantage in the marketplace. For Salesforce platform owners, architects, and administrators, this means embracing the potential of an AI assistant to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and ensure the security of their Salesforce environments.

In this white paper, we delve into many of the pivotal tasks that Salesforce professionals face on a daily basis and how integrating a dedicated AI assistant can revolutionize their workflow. From managing complex data structures and automating routine tasks to safeguarding sensitive information, an AI assistant can offer many benefits that can transform the efficiency and effectiveness of Salesforce operations.

Challenges and Opportunities

Salesforce platform owners, administrators, and architects grapple with a multitude of challenges and tasks on a daily basis, each impacting the efficiency, security, and overall success of their Salesforce environment.

Effectively managing and optimizing the Salesforce platform is critical for organizations to achieve operational excellence, maximize return on investment (ROI), and maintain a competitive edge.

1. The Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), Integrations and Metadata

Understanding and managing the SBOM and integrations and using metadata in a highly functional way is crucial for maintaining the integrity, security, performance, and scalability of the Salesforce platform. Strategies to address these challenges vary and some are just becoming understood as high priority.

The SBOM is an emerging concept in the software industry. It provides a comprehensive list of all components, dependencies, and libraries used in a software system, including their versions and licensing information.

In the context of the Salesforce platform, an SBOM can be a valuable tool for Salesforce administrators, platform owners, and architects to gain visibility into the various components and integrations that make up their Salesforce environment. This includes:

  • Integrated Systems: If the Salesforce org is integrated with other systems or applications (e.g., ERP, CRM, marketing automation tools), the SBOM will list these integrated systems and their versions, assuming they have been asked. For example, integrations with SAP, Oracle, or Marketo could be critical to business operations.

  • Managed Packages: Any third-party managed packages installed in the Salesforce org will be listed in the SBOM, along with their versions and licensing information. Salesforce AppExchange offerings, such as DocuSign, Conga, or FinancialForce, often add significant value but need to be monitored for updates and compatibility.

  • Unmanaged Customizations: Custom objects, Apex classes, Visualforce pages, Lightning components, and other unmanaged customizations developed within the Salesforce org will be documented in the SBOM. Salesforce allows for rapid customization, without requiring a traditional Software Development Life Cycle, that can impact an organization’s performance and security.

  • APIs and Libraries: Any external APIs or libraries used within the Salesforce org, such as third-party JavaScript libraries or external web services, will be included in the SBOM. This is particularly relevant for integrations using Salesforce Connect, REST APIs, or SOAP APIs.

Having an AI Assistant to oversee the SBOM can provide several benefits, including:

  • Integrations and packages: Monitoring and managing these and their related resources is vital. Ensuring that all are known to the admins, architects and platform owners and are functioning within their defined parameters. Implementing a rigorous reputation system for integrations and keeping on top of that is another way to uplift the Salesforce platform in performance, economy and security. In many companies, integrations are relegated to technical debt status because they are not being used or they are not even known about as they were integrated by previous admins who have left the company. Sometimes they are even still being paid for as no-one canceled the subscription. Integrations must comply with regulations in various regions, such as the EU, UK, USA, and Australia. They can often drift between geographies, sometimes being shared, transferred, or even hijacked. If an integration shows up in Bulgaria one day from a company that has only been dealing with applications from the UK, US and Australia, for example, that could be a red flag to investigate seriously.

  • Technical debt: In the Salesforce environment this refers to the accumulation of suboptimal solutions, workarounds, and compromises made over time during development and customization. It can manifest as performance issues, data inconsistencies, security vulnerabilities, and increased complexity, hindering the ability to adapt, scale, and leverage new features. Neglecting technical debt will lead to increased costs, reduced productivity, and potential disruptions. Regularly assessing and addressing technical debt through refactoring, optimization, and retiring obsolete components is crucial for maintaining a high-performing, scalable, and secure Salesforce implementation. To many companies, addressing technical debt is “not a business priority.” This perspective is analogous to societies where “pollution is not a governmental and/or business problem,” until it is.

Maintaining a comprehensive SBOM can be complex, especially in a large, highly customized Salesforce environment. While Salesforce offers some visibility into integrations and installed packages, many organizations are turning to automated tools and AI assistants to manage these tasks effectively. Many organizations are exploring automated tools and processes to generate and maintain an accurate SBOM for their Salesforce platform. The timing for a trusted AI assistant to do this important but arduous work has arrived.

A superpowering AI assistant designed to monitor and analyze the Salesforce environment will primarily focus on metadata rather than actual data records. Metadata provides insights into the platform's configuration, customizations, and integrations without compromising data privacy or impacting performance. It enables a deep understanding of the org's architecture and dependencies, effective change management and compliance monitoring.

2. Security Concerns

Safeguarding the security of the Salesforce platform is a critical responsibility for administrators, platform owners, and architects. It involves protecting sensitive data, preventing unauthorized access, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Given the high stakes and the need for strategic decision-making based on context and risk assessment, most security issues should be primarily managed and analyzed by human experts.

However, an AI assistant can play a vital role in supporting and enhancing security efforts. This intelligent partner can continuously monitor the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), which includes integration and integration debt (more on this in the separate Integrations section, below). The AI can also assist in implementing granular access controls, analyzing access logs and user activity patterns, identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities, managing password resets, user deprovisioning, and automating other routine security tasks, such as configurations—areas where human error is a fact of life. Additionally, an AI assistant can provide valuable recommendations for implementing security best practices and maintaining compliance with relevant regulations.

Key areas where AI can enhance security include:

  • Granular Access Controls: Continuously monitor and adjust access controls based on user roles, activity, and necessity. The AI can ensure that the principle of least privilege is maintained and alert administrators to any deviations.

  • Analyzing Access Logs: By analyzing patterns in access logs and user activities, the AI can detect anomalies that may indicate security breaches or unauthorized access attempts.

  • Threat and Vulnerability Identification: Proactively identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities within the Salesforce environment by scanning for outdated components, weak configurations, and unusual access patterns.

  • Automating Routine Security Tasks: Reduce the risk of human error by automating tasks such as password resets, user deprovisioning, and routine security configurations.

  • Compliance Monitoring: Ensure ongoing compliance with regulatory requirements by continuously monitoring the environment for adherence to standards and providing alerts when issues are detected.

  • Recommendations for Best Practices: Offer actionable insights and recommendations for improving the security posture of the Salesforce platform, based on industry best practices and emerging threats.

This synergistic collaboration between human intelligence and AI can significantly enhance the overall security posture of the Salesforce platform, enabling organizations to mitigate risks and safeguard their critical business operations. By leveraging AI to handle routine and complex security tasks, human experts can focus on strategic decision-making and responding to high-priority security incidents, creating a more robust and resilient security framework for the Salesforce environment.

3. Platform Governance

Establishing and enforcing governance policies is essential for maintaining a well-managed Salesforce environment. Effective platform governance ensures that the system operates smoothly, securely, and in alignment with business objectives. Strategies to address platform governance challenges include defining clear roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes, implementing change management procedures and version control, conducting regular audits and compliance checks, and establishing guidelines for integrations, customizations, and data access.

Key strategies for robust platform governance include:

  • Defining Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities of administrators, developers, architects, and end-users to ensure accountability and streamlined decision-making.

  • Implementing Change Management Procedures: Develop and enforce change management protocols to control and track modifications to the Salesforce environment. This includes using version control systems to manage changes and ensure that updates are documented and reversible.

  • Conducting Regular Audits: Schedule and perform regular audits to assess compliance with governance policies, identify deviations, and implement corrective actions.

  • Guidelines for Integrations and Customizations: Establish comprehensive guidelines for creating and managing integrations and customizations to prevent conflicts and ensure compatibility. This includes documenting all changes and maintaining a repository of integration specifications and custom code.

  • Data Access Controls: Implement strict data access policies to ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized users. Regularly review and update these policies to adapt to changing business needs and regulatory requirements.

Here too, the synergy afforded by human-AI collaboration can provide highly beneficial results for organizations. Often the laborious work of auditing and following guidelines for integrations, customizations, and data access, while critical to the Salesforce environment, is continually ‘shifted to tomorrow’ on the overwhelming schedule of admins, architects, and platform owners.

An AI assistant can significantly enhance platform governance by automating many of these tasks:

  • Automated Audits: Regularly scan the Salesforce environment for compliance with governance policies, generating reports, and highlighting areas that require attention.

  • Change Management Monitoring: Track and document all changes in real-time, ensuring that version control is maintained and that unauthorized changes are flagged immediately.

  • Integration and Customization Reviews: Continuously monitor integrations and customizations for adherence to established guidelines, identifying potential issues before they become critical.

  • Data Access Analysis: Analyze data access patterns to detect anomalies and ensure that data access policies are being followed. Provide recommendations for improving data security and compliance.

By leveraging AI to handle these routine but essential tasks, human experts can focus on strategic governance initiatives and making informed decisions to enhance the Salesforce platform. This collaboration ensures a well-governed, secure, and efficient Salesforce environment that supports business goals and adapts to evolving needs.

4. Platform Spend Management, Time and Resource Constraints

Effectively managing Salesforce platform spend is crucial for controlling costs and maximizing ROI. This involves not only understanding and optimizing the direct costs associated with licensing and usage but also addressing the broader financial implications of technical debt, integrations, and the overall system health.

Key strategies for managing Salesforce platform spend include:

  • Regular License and Usage Audits: Conduct periodic audits to ensure that licenses are being used efficiently. Identify underutilized licenses and reassign or deprovision them as needed.

  • Optimizing License Assignments: Align license types with user roles and needs to avoid overspending on unnecessary features. Ensure that users have the appropriate licenses for their job functions.

  • Leveraging Cost-Effective Pricing Models: Explore and negotiate for cost-effective pricing models with Salesforce and third-party vendors. Take advantage of volume discounts, bundled services, and other pricing strategies.

  • Implementing Chargeback or Showback Mechanisms: Allocate costs to different departments or business units based on their usage. This promotes accountability and encourages efficient resource use.

  • Exploring Alternative Solutions: For non-critical functionalities, consider using lower-cost alternatives or native Salesforce features to reduce reliance on expensive third-party tools.

Salesforce professionals often face the challenge of balancing competing priorities and managing limited resources. This requires a strategic approach to project management, prioritization, and team development.

Key strategies include:

  • Agile Project Management: Implement agile methodologies to manage projects more effectively. This includes regular sprint planning, iterative development, and continuous feedback loops to ensure timely delivery of high-priority tasks.

  • Prioritizing Critical Tasks: Focus on tasks and initiatives that have the highest impact on business goals. Use frameworks like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks by urgency and importance.

  • Fostering Cross-Functional Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between different departments and teams. This helps in knowledge sharing, reduces silos, and ensures that all stakeholders are aligned with the project's objectives.

  • Investing in Training and Skill Development: Provide ongoing training and development opportunities for team members. This ensures that the team has the necessary skills to handle current and future challenges effectively.

All of the above strategies can benefit from the integration of AI assistants for routine tasks and automation. By leveraging AI, Salesforce admins, architects, and platform owners can focus on more strategic initiatives and avoid being overwhelmed by day-to-day operational tasks. AI can help in:

  • Routine Task Automation: Automate repetitive tasks such as license management, usage tracking, and compliance monitoring to free up time for more strategic work.

  • Intelligent Insights: Provide data-driven insights and recommendations for optimizing spend, improving efficiency, and enhancing platform performance.

  • Proactive Alerts: Monitor the system for potential issues and alert the team before they escalate into critical problems.

Incorporating AI into the management of the Salesforce platform can significantly enhance its health, performance, integrity, and security, ensuring that the platform continues to deliver value to the organization.

5. Optimizing the Platform, Managing Data, Automating Workflows & User Training & Support

In all these areas, leveraging the superpower of an AI Assistant can add significant value for Salesforce admins, architects, and platform owners. This is not to replace these vital roles but rather to enhance them, addressing the essential tasks that often fall by the wayside due to high demands in other high-priority areas. For example, an AI Assistant might detect an integration with a third-party email marketing tool that hasn't been used in the last six months. It would then alert the admin, showing that the company is still paying for this tool without utilizing it effectively.

Optimizing the Salesforce platform for performance, scalability, and user experience is crucial for operational efficiency. AI Assistants can help in regularly reviewing and streamlining customizations and configurations, and optimizing integrations. For instance, if an AI Assistant notices that a data synchronization tool is causing delays during peak hours, it can suggest optimizing the sync schedule or upgrading to a higher-tier service plan for better performance.

Managing data effectively within the Salesforce platform is essential for maintaining data quality, integrity, and compliance. A trusted AI Assistant can delegate specific tasks to lighten the load for admins, architects, and platform owners, freeing them up to focus on higher-priority issues. Key areas include implementing data validation rules and deduplication processes, establishing data governance policies and procedures, automating data cleansing and standardization tasks, and ensuring compliance with data privacy and protection regulations.

A prerequisite for fully leveraging AI in data management might be approval from the company's legal team, especially given the stringent requirements of regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the upcoming DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act). Soon, automating these compliance features might become a standard requirement for Salesforce systems.

Automating business processes and routine tasks can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency. While AI tools like Salesforce’s Einstein for Flow will not replace the gathering of business requirements from users, they will allow for faster development of solutions. The outputs of these AI tools still need to be evaluated for accuracy, adherence to best practices, and tested for all potential scenarios.

User training and support is an area where it will take more time before an AI Assistant can fully participate and add value. Providing comprehensive training and support to Salesforce users is crucial for adoption and success. While AI can already assist in some areas like on-demand support, most training and support activities remain human-centric. These include developing a comprehensive user training program, creating self-service knowledge bases and documentation, implementing a robust support system with ticketing and case management, and conducting regular user feedback sessions to incorporate improvements.

By integrating AI Assistants into these processes, organizations can significantly enhance their Salesforce platform's overall performance, efficiency, and compliance, while allowing human experts to focus on strategic and high-value activities.


Salesforce platform owners, administrators, and architects face a multitude of challenges in ensuring the platform's efficiency, security, and overall success. At we have prioritized these challenges and are addressing them through a comprehensive approach. Organizations engaging with us can unlock the full potential of their technology and their people. Think of as your go-to AI-powered assistant, implementing robust governance policies, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement that will enable you Salesforce professionals to drive operational excellence and maintain a competitive edge!

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  • Mika Stahlberg

    Mika Stahlberg